With skyrocketing rents and former foster youth facing homelessness, Hope & A Future recently launched a new Transitional Housing Program.

Did you know, every year, 1000 Arizona foster youth will age out of the system when they turn 18. 25% become instantly homeless. 30% become incarcerated for some offense. By the time the young adult is 24, only 50% will be employed and the average annual salary for those with a job is $7,500.

The Transitional Housing Program provides room & board and support to help with life skills needed for independence. Assistance includes bi-monthly check-ins, job training assistance and educational support.

John (who is now 23) became the first participant in this program as we helped him move in last month. Having first met John at Teen Reach when he was 12, we are blessed to be able to provide the stability and support for him today as we help him in his life’s journey.
Learn more and support this new program here.