The world may not change if you adopt a child, but for that child their world will change!

Our program director, Phoebe Johnson, finally had her world change as her foster father was finally able to adopt her and her twin brother.

A note from Phoebe:
I have waited 27 years for this day to come. I have attended over 8 adoptions in the past 5 years and every time I wondered if I would ever have the chance to experience such a joyous occasion. I had to fight for this and it was worth it!

My foster parents took us in when we were two and a half years old, they have been the only “parents” I have ever known. They helped show us what a true family looks like, they loved us even when we did not know how to love them back and even though we were not the easiest of kids, they never once kicked us out or turned their backs on us.

They changed our lives forever and I will forever be so grateful.
Adoption Rocks!