Meet Austin, Brandon, and Jarrod. These three boys attended the first Royal Family Kids Camp that Michael Brewer, Hope & A Future’s Founder, ever served at. That was the beginning of a lifelong relationship. Austin was the first recipient of the John S. Brewer Memorial Scholarship. Brandon, once old enough, volunteered at Hope & A Future’s Teen Reach Adventure Camp (TRAC). Jarrod attended TRAC as a camper and then returned a few years later to give back as a volunteer.

Through the years, Michael built a relationship with each of them. He attended their high school and college graduations, as well as their weddings.

Does camp really make a difference in the life of an abused, abandoned, or neglected child? The answer is yes. Because camp plants the seed of relationships and relationships and connection change lives. Today all three of these boys are productive and contributing citizens in the communities they live in. Austin and Brandon are both teachers and Jarrod works for FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency).